The landscape stone we quarry is a Mica Garnet Schist (Unit #3 Goshen Formation), a naturally layered stone having been folded up from ancient sea bed and metamorphosed in the slow crush of continents some 400 million years ago. The stone’s surface has a pleasing texture and a silver, blue-gray color with occasional bronzing. This durable Schist stone, unique to New England, has been used traditionally for over 200 years as a building stone. It’s special character brings a timeless and enduring quality to any landscape.
$120.00 per Cubic Yard (approx. equivalent to $90ton)
Thick and thin, ancient and natural, dark blue-gray faces predominate.
1 cubic yard = approximately 2200- 2400 lbs. = 12-14 sq. ft. of face on retaining wall
Formula = wall height x length divided by 13 = approx.cubic yards on a one-sided wall.
$160.00 per Cubic Yard. Hand picked-Perfect for smaller scale walls.
Exceptionally attractive stone with a woven surface texture, which provides excellent natural traction. Random shapes. Silver gray predominates with some bronzing. Average thickness 2″ -3″.
Regular = $9.00 per Square Foot…..approx. 3-9 sq ft each
.Large = $11.00 per sq ft ……aprox. 10-24 sq ft each
STEPS / TREADS – Traditional New England
3 – 5 ft ……………. $20 sq. ft.
6ft …………………… $27.25. ft.
7 – 9ft ……..…..…… $30 sq. ft.
Over 9 ft …………… call for a quote
For widths over 2ft. – add $1.50 per sq. ft.
Prices reflect steps up to 4″ thick, thickness over 4″ ( if available) = add 50%/ $8.00 a linear ft. for cuts 4″ and under in thickness.
SNAPPED VENEER – Our Park Industries Guillotine snaps beautiful veneer, coping and caps.
$450 per ton loose/add $50 for crated /crates hold 1.5 tons
4″ shelf depth………..35 – 40 sq ft face
6″ shelf depth………..24 – 30 sq ft face
8″ shelf depth………..17.5 – 20 sq ft face
2 – sided $25 per Square Foot / 4- sided $30 per sq ft.
Caps provide the perfect finishing touch for your wall.
benches, tables, birdbaths, troughs, sculpture and footbridges: prices on request