We are honored to be the 2013 creators of the Boston Society of Architects’ “Hobson” Prize for excellence in design. Below is a link to a video of our fabrication shop made by the BSA and shown at the Gala.
Thank you for your interest in the rare and wonderful Schist stones we quarry and fabricate, in the Berkshire hills of western Massachusetts. Our new 9,000 square ft. production facility (completed in 2012) has efficient, state of the art stone fabrication equipment. We are committed to working closely with architects and designers – from concept to completion – on your commercial, institutional and residential projects.
Architectural Services include:
samples packages
In-your-firm’s office presentations
Stone sourcing and comparative analyses
Test data
Budget estimates
Lead time estimates
Review of Architectural drawings
Sealer, impregnator, and cleaning recommendations
- Introducing several Schist stones from Massachusetts…… ……after over 400 million years of metamorphosis, from ancient mountains worn down into muddy sediment beds on the floor of a long extinct ocean or the cooled and hardened magma cores of old volcanos than through the slow crush of continents, the mud or magma was folded up and inexorably changed by heat and pressure…this timeless process continues through us and on to you. Our part in the metamorphism of one of the oldest stones in the Northeast is the careful quarrying, sawing and finishing in our energy efficient, state-of-the-art fabrication shop. Your part in the ongoing process is that special design that incorporates this stone in what will become your legacy.