The other stone we quarry is Crowsfoot, a variegated schist that has been designated by the Marble Institute of America as one of this continent’s rare, exotic stones. This 600 million year old stone originally flowed out of ancient volcanos, cooled slowly, grew the wonderful crystal inclusions and than was pressed and folded in the crush of continents. It has a field of opalescent teal green or sea gray with varying sized bundles of black hornblende crystals (crowsfeet), feldspar, quartz ribbons and occasional cherry wood colored garnets. Every block we quarry is unique and therefore each variation is a limited edition. Each time we quarry a new variation we give it a name. To date, we have about 10 named variations of Crowsfoot. This stone is used for fine interior applications; kitchen countertops, vanities, floor tile and planking, fireplace surrounds and wall panels. Crowsfoot comes in a satin or an understated polished finish.
Our Crowsfoot Schist is an extremely rare stone and very difficult to quarry. Each time we saw a new block we are always excited to see a new and distinctive variation. Sometimes there may be a single large boulder that we process down to several blocks to accomodate our saw, and those blocks will be very much the same, but most times a new block will mean a whole new variation. Included below are photos of some of the variations found in our last quarrying. You will see from looking that they are very different from each other, even though they were quarried literally feet apart. Please check back often to see new variations, and understand that what is pictured here now may no longer be available. While it is frustrating to have each block be a limited edition, it is also amazing to think that if you choose Crowsfoot for your project, you will have a truly exclusive 600 million year old stone in your home. Each variation has its own personality, and unique history – just like you.